Shipping Rates

Please notice: standard delivery does not provide a tracking number, while registered mail allows to verify the outcome of the delivery. No delivery complains will be accepted on orders shipped through standard delivery.

Standard delivery (Shipping Zones by Country)

Standard delivery
Starting weightItalyEurope and Mediterranean basinAfrica, Americas, AsiaOceania
0.00 g€6.50€11.00€15.00€15.00
101.00 g€7.00€12.00€15.00€15.00
251.00 g€7.50€13.00€16.00€15.00
351.00 g€8.50€14.00€17.00€17.00
501.00 g€9.00€15.00€18.00€19.00
1,001.00 g€9.50€16.00€22.00€24.00
2,001.00 g€11.00€17.00€28.00€29.00

Registered mail (Shipping Zones by Country)

Registered mail
Starting weightItalyEurope and Mediterranean basinAfrica, Americas, AsiaOceania
0.00 g€7.50€14.50€18.00€19.00
101.00 g€8.00€14.50€19.00€19.00
251.00 g€9.50€15.50€22.00€22.00
351.00 g€11.50€20.50€35.00€35.00
501.00 g€14.80€20.50€35.00€35.00
1,001.00 g€16.00€25.50€36.00€36.00
2,001.00 g€18.00€27.00€39.00€39.00
Check your shipping zone


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